Today was a seriously productive day. Bright and early we met with the environmental group within the government that potentially had data that we could use in the communities. We were told there was a potential for some data from a rain gauge that was put in years ago that currently shows no data. From there, we went straight to the communities and split into two teams: one doing house visits and the other doing surveying in San Francisco.
Our surveys indicated that there was a well nearby that had been put in by the government in San Francisco that could be potentially used.
That got us EXCITED. We are meeting with Benjamin the well driller tomorrow to discuss this and are very excited about it! After well surveying came the fun part. We all returned early to see the rain gauge that had been mentioned in the morning. We went to the leaders to ask if we could see it to which they responded, do you have a boat?
Apparently, you had to cross two rivers to get this data. This morning he had asked if we had a boat and through Spanish miscommunication we thought no boat, he must mean do they have boots. So sadly when we said we did not, it was met with a general, ayy let's get there and then we will see what to do.
Alas, a boat did come to pick us up (pictured) and took us to a high house with a rain gauge. We investigated the data; yes there were a lot of engineering hands that took their turn at determining the problem, from unscrewing to a variety of USB cables from mini USB to the general USB. Sadly, despite all the troubleshooting, no success and we made our way back to the hotel. To another day in the Chuchurras, disappointments and excitements await...
Signed Dissapointed yet Hopeful Deepika