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Writer's pictureEWB - MN

Day 4: Data Data Data

Team members (back row, left to right): Josh, Deepika, Jackie, Spenser, and Chris. Front Row: community members.

We did it all. Today we started by meeting with the health post in the city. We found data on community members that got sick from the water as well as water data. Pictured is the team minus Brian standing in the hospital in Iscosazin. We then took the truck to a neighboring community and saw the groundwater well system implemented by the EWB Idaho team. The groundwater well system was partially functional and provides Villa America with water year round. From there, we had lunch which was delicious and included a fried fish from the local community. Then the fun began.

The fun in the sun included interviews with both community members with access to water and those without. We collected lots of data to use later, and Chris and Jackie surveyed the existing and potential water sources.

We returned to Iscosazin to pick up some drawings that will hopefully tell us if we can build a well in the area. Fingers crossed, because the data is on a CD and ... No one has those these days.

The day ended with some cribbage and some good recaps.

Signed -A very well informed Deepika


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